Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Eye Don't Get It

Hardly a day goes by when I don't take a moment to think about how great it is not to have to wear glasses or contact lenses any more. Since getting my eyes lasered (see this post) I'm free from the hassle, expense, and discomfort of eyewear. Which is why I totally fail to understand one of the fashion crazes sweeping through Singapore: people with perfect vision who wear glasses just for fun. Ironically Singapore has one of the highest rates of myopia (short-sightedness) in the world.
In an article in the Straits Times this month Jocelyn Lee examined the odd fashion trend, asking whether these people - mostly aged between 15 and 25 - are being funky or fashion victims. Apparently the preppy geek look is in and the trend which started in London has spread to Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan. Some optical shops in Sigapore now important large, thick-rimmed glasses to meet demand. They cost on average $30 - $90, including non-prescription lenses.
One student when interviewed said that the huge lenses of her thick-rimmed specs get foggy whenever she has hot food or drinks but said "I will continue to wear them as they make me look more outstanding in photos".
I can promise you that this is a trend I won't be following.

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