Thursday, September 13, 2007

Haka II

OK so it’s a day late, but as promised here are some links to real hakas being performed. There are few things quite so spine tingling for a New Zealander than to see a haka, it taps into some primitive instinctive wellspring deep inside us, raising the heart beat and getting our blood pumping. Hubby would no doubt argue that this is the normal state of affairs for at least his kiwi – he is fond of quoting Captain Cook who upon writing home about the newly discovered New Zealand: “the locals are friendly but not to be trusted”.
Kids also love hakas and our two little testosterone charged rockets start boucing off the walls whenever they watch one of these You Tube videso. So enjoy! And be grateful that it’s not you that the haka is aimed at.

This is the All Blacks playing South Africa:

And this is a traditional Maori dance group performing another haka:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your husband, and I live there. By no means everyone likes to see the haka, a lot see it as a boorish example of arrogant male behaviour. And I'm West Ham.