Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hitting Puberty Young

One of the coolest presents Carl got for his birthday - or at least the one that's so far been the most fun - was a kids shaving set. With a bottle of 'shaving foam'  and a blade-less razor, he and Niels have been practising their techniques every night before bath time. In perfect imitation of their father, they spread the foam, run a basin of hot water ("if it's not hot it won't be a smooth shave Mum"), and proceed to remove their imaginary whiskers.

Lets'  see if they find it just as much fun once they hit puberty.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Being a girl who grew up in a family of girls I didnt realise until my boys hit whisker age how long the 'just an odd whisker here and there but growing long and fast on its own' stage lasts. Theres a plucking stage between smooth and baby soft and shaving everyday that noone told me about!:)