Sunday, February 22, 2009

From the Warm Place...

Hi, yes there are still signs of life down here in New Zealand, where the weather is warm, the surf is high and rush hour means there is a queue of five cars at the traffic lights instead of one. Seriously.

At the moment I'm camped out in Tauranga where practically all of my family has settled. Mum turned 70 on Saturday, so my sister and I treated her out to a fab dinner at the Mount Bistro at Mount Maunganui. For those non-Kiwis out there, the Mount is very close to Tauranga, just a short drive over the bridge, and hanging out on the beach here is as much a part of life as visitng the supermarket. Quite frankly, not a bad place to be! It's not hard to see what the family has decided to cluster themselves in the sunny Bay of Plenty region. It's a great walk around the base of this little hill, which would no doubt qualify as a mountain in the Netherlands. We would all highly recommend the bistro which is snuggled up to the base of the hill, serving up fabulously fresh seafood caught locally.
Other than eating this trip has been a chance to catch up with my sick grandmother who turned 94 the other day, and my sisters, one of whom also had a birthday! So many candles, so little puff left to blow them out...
I'll be back in touch in a few days.

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